Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dusting off the Piano

The ballroom is getting cleaned up and will hopefully be back in business soon. The shed (behind Door #2 Bob, with the majestic antique padlock) has been cleaned and currently has three fermenters bubbling away. Two are dedicated to spirit production at the moment as levels are low and demand is high – it's an economic recession motherfuckers, time to moonshine! There's also 23l of a well-hopped ale in there. Nothing to match an Epic Armageddon, but what could? I bottled 5 dozen tallies last weekend and they're conditioning in the cool Waitarua nights. Outside the shed I've had some seeds germinate (Broccoli, Kale, Peas) and heap of bulbs have popped up, my daffodils and Dutch irises, so thats looking ace. The Bronze is awaiting the sun. A few stencils are awaiting the scalpel. Shits happening.

Someone made some labels for some BrewNZ Beervana promo bottles.

And some mean posters for Malthouse

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